Friday, September 03, 2004

US Navy Now Challenging Kerry's Medals

Check out this story on Newsmax which cites a Navy spokesman as stating that the Kerry campaign website overstates his number of bronze stars, and overstates the nature of his Silver Star medal.

The Silver Star is the third highest medal our nation offers. Kerry's website lists his Silver Star with a 'combat V' for valor. However, the 'V' designation is never awarded with the Silver Star.

Personally, I think this is a non-issue. Take a look at John Kerry's DD214 and you'll see that his records do indeed state the 'combat V' designation for his Silver Star. We can conclude that either 1)some desk clerk made an error decades ago, 2)the Navy spokesman is incorrect, or 3) the records have been altered. USANow chalks it up to a desk clerk error at this point, but I suspect this isn't the last word on the story.

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