Friday, May 12, 2006

Proponents of US Immigration Laws Branded "Racists"

Today the Minutemen demonstrated in Washington DC. Unfortunately, the Minutemen, unlike recent Hispanic demonstrators, were greeted with slanderous counterprotestors playing the same old race card. Let's be clear: The Minutemen are not singling out Hispanics in this debate, they're just asking that immigrants obey the laws of the United States.

Question: What do race activists call any white person who cares about border security?
Answer: A racist

Question: What do race activists call any white person who thinks immigrants should obey our immigration laws?
Answer: A racist

Question: What do race activists call any white person who thinks illegal immigrants should not be granted citizenship?
Answer: A racist

Can't these race baiting activists ever, once in their lives, separate race from arguments and make an argument that goes farther than skin deep? Can't they at least demonstrate an iota of respect for the laws of this nation? It appears the answers are no. These guys would rather come to this nation illegally, consume our educational and health care resources for little or no cost, then label as racists any US citizen who expect our laws to be followed.

Do you think Guatemalans who enter Mexico illegally behave this same way? Doubtful.

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