Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Victims in the Eyes of the ACLU

Please take a look at this picture, and think about what word comes to mind to describe this group of people:


If you're an ACLU attorney, the correct answer is D. These pinheads were demonstrating along George Bush's motorcade route in Lancaster, PA, in an effort to protest the "attrocities" at Abu Ghraib prison. They were subsequently arrested for disorderly conduct. One of the men "had his arm twisted"! Said ACLU attorney Paula Knudsen, "These unjustified arrests were motivated by politics, not law. The actions of these men are clearly protected under the First Amendment."

Somehow I doubt James Madison, the primary author of the First Amendment, had "mooning the President" in mind as a method of peaceful assembly.

Friday, December 10, 2004

HISD Gets Their Hombre

Houston Independent School District named Abe Saavedra Superintendent yesterday. Mr. Saavedra will earn $270,000 in base pay and will have incentive based bonuses of $60,000. Mr. Saavedra fits the districts long list of requirements, namely:

  • Candidate must be Hispanic
  • Candidate must be alive
  • Candidate must be Hispanic

    The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) lobbied hard to ensure that a Hispanic was hired. They went so far as to say the new superintendent "must be Hispanic" in order to fix the "dropout problem". USANow will now anxiously await Saavedra's unique programs in an effort to discern precisely what he will do that no Anglo nor African American could do.

    Prior to hiring Saavedra, HISD went through the motions by interviewing three other candidates for the job. Two of the candidates were in the last year of their contracts, and their contracts are not to be renewed. The third candidate was being forced into early retirement after the Tucson school board lost confidence in his leadership. Apparently, HISD searched nationwide to find 3 "candidates" who would make Saavedra look like the only man for the job. HISD was forced to find weak candidates because Saavedra himself was forced to resign by his former school district in Corpus Christi.

    During yesterday's board meeting, Saavedra stated that his race had nothing to do with his hiring. "I think I offer a certain level of sensitivity to that culture. I intend to be the superintendent for all kids". Saavedra then thanked the board in both English and in Spanish, which makes no sense because every HISD board member is fluent in English. So much for being a superintendent for "all kids" - a good portion of HISD students aren't even able to understand his comments to the school board.
  • Wednesday, December 08, 2004

    $20 Million for Palestinian Authority, $0 for Boy Scouts

    From CNN today:

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Citing a "renewed opportunity for peace" in the Middle East, the Bush administration said Wednesday it will give $20 million directly to the Palestinian Authority.

    Assistant Secretary of State William Burns made the announcement in Oslo, Norway, at a meeting of the Palestinian Ad Hoc Liaison Committee, a group representing various countries and organizations promoting Palestinian reforms.

    Burns said the decision to give the money to the authority was made after the group fulfilled its promises for financial reform, and reflected U.S. "confidence" in the continuation of its reform program.

    Hmmmm, it seems that the Palestinian Authority is pretty ardent in their support of Islam. In fact, their former president, Yasser Arafat, has been known to murder in the name of Islamic jihad. So where are the pinheads from the ACLU when we need them? How come they're not outraged by the US government sponsorship of an entity whose very existence is grounded in religious extremism? ACLU attorneys fought vigorously against government sponsorship of scout troops, because a fundamental expectation of every scout is a belief in God. If sponsoring Boy Scouts is such a bad idea, why is it OK to fund the Palestinian Authority?

    Thursday, December 02, 2004

    A Father's Love, Iranian Style

    Persian Pride!

    Isn't this a lovely photo? We see a father lovingly helping his daughter with her apparel in a park setting.

    The occasion? Iran's Headquarters for Commemorating Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement held this very special ceremony for 200 recruits today. Each of the recruits has volunteered to carry out suicide/homicide bombings against Americans and Israelis. Can't you see the pride of the father, as he gazes in approval at his daughter, who will soon blow herself up into tiny pieces in the hopes of murdering others?

    Thursday's "ceremony" also included the unveiling of a large stone column commemorating a 1983 attack on U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon as "the biggest suicide bombing operation against global blasphemy." The martyrs-to-be and their parents must have been filled with great pride as they commemorated the murder of 241 US Marines.

    Word to your Mullah: Don't put any Iranians in charge of your efforts to market Islam as the "religion of peace".

    Full Story from CBC.